Definition of HTML "phrasing content"
In the content tree that makes up the body of an HTML document, phrasing content is the content at the lower level that consists of text and HTML elements that mark up the text within paragraphs. Generally, text content and other phrasing content marked up with inline tags is also categorized as phrasing content, but a block tag with phrasing content inside it is categorized as flow content.
The simplest form of phrasing content is plain text content. Text content and phrasing content elements can usually be used where either flow content or phrasing content is expected.
When the expected content of an HTML element is phrasing content, you cannot code any flow content elements, only phrasing content elements, with some occasional additional restrictions.
See Flow Content vs. Phrasing Content for more information.
HTML Phrase Elements
HTML phrase elements, as defined in HTML 4, are one type of inline element that can be used to mark up phrases and are some of the elements that can be used in phrasing content.